centrifuge / documentation

Documentation for Centrifuge
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
15 stars 71 forks source link

-broken links, content deleted etc #481

Closed ImdioR closed 10 months ago

ImdioR commented 10 months ago

-Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/use/Invest/ Link is broken: Step-by-step investment guide Navigate to app.centrifuge.io/pools - this one is broken because link to https://docs.centrifuge.io/use/Invest/app.centrifuge.io/pools Link is broken: investment is executed. Learn more about Epochs and Pending orders Here. - just a mess link with the destination address nowhere -> about:blank#blocked

  1. Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/build/nfts/ Link is broken: NFT from a Centrifuge Document allows => https://docs.centrifuge.io/docs/overview/protocol-architecture/

  2. Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/build/p2p-node/ Link is broken: See Disclaimer -> https://docs.centrifuge.io/centrifuge-node/further-reading/disclaimer/

  3. Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/use/onchain-voting/ Link is broken: If you already have set up a Proxy wallet -> https://docs.centrifuge.io/use/onchain-voting/governance-proxy-and-delegation

  4. Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/learn/legal-offering/ File deleted: in the Operating Agreement. -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14I8x16nRvSVgtnV6EoahZQ9GGVrdvKNbIK7tAN5gBaY/edit

  5. Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/build/nfts/ File deleted: Merkle Verifier contract. -> https://github.com/centrifuge/privacy-enabled-erc721/blob/develop/src/merkle.sol Linke is broken: user to draw loans -> https://centrifuge.io/technology/tinlake/

  6. Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/build/bridge/ Wrong link: Please reach out to us on Slack -> https://centrifuge.io/slack

  7. Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/build/tinlake/ Link is broken: We have also defined test cases in JSON format: https://github.com/centrifuge/apps/tree/main/tinlake.js/src/services/solver/problems. Link is broken: The code for this can be found here: https://github.com/centrifuge/apps/blob/main/tinlake.js/src/services/solver/solver.ts.

  8. Source: https://docs.centrifuge.io/build/cent-chain/ Redirection link: https://substrate.dev/ to https://docs.substrate.io/

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