updates all dependencies (migration from Gatsby v2 to v5 and all plugins)
adds eslint and fixes linting errors
adds syntax highlighting to md files (will indicate missformated text, tables and expressions)
adds prettier and fixes formatting
adds linting and prettier checks to build command to enforce code style and formatting
Open tasks
[x] fix redirect behaviors
[x] fix katex/math plugin integration
[x] check image loading
[x] table rendering
Comments in markdown have to be written as js and not as html: {/* ... */}
Native html characters need to be escaped in markdown:
ex 1: <> --> {'\<>'}
ex 2: Polkadot{js} --> `Polkadot{.js}`
Some math expressions are way too long and take up more than 100% of the page width, I'd suggest refactoring or introducing variables to make the rendered version shorter
when adding a new dependency the gatsby develop server often errors out, if it happens use the new yarn nuke script which will clear the cache and reinstall all dependencies
docs uses yarn v4, beware when installing and building
This PR:
Open tasks
{/* ... */}
yarn nuke
script which will clear the cache and reinstall all dependencies