centrifuge / go-substrate-rpc-client

Substrate RPC client for go aka GSRPC
Apache License 2.0
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Transaction signature seems to be incorrectly formatted #363

Open ashishkhuraishy opened 1 year ago

ashishkhuraishy commented 1 year ago

I have created an example pallet from the tutorials and i want to interact with that pallet programatically.

impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
  #[pallet::weight((T::WeightInfo::create_claim(), Pays::No))]
  pub fn create_claim(origin: OriginFor<T>, claim: T::Hash) -> DispatchResult {
      // Check that the extrinsic was signed and get the signer.
      // This function will return an error if the extrinsic is not signed.
      let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;

      // let sender = "157VKbUv5RAucscCSXL8AgLdKtjB5gm7JTGQsbq8MZcQpXwA".to_string();
      // Verify that the specified claim has not already been stored.
      ensure!(!Claims::<T>::contains_key(&claim), Error::<T>::AlreadyClaimed);

      // Store the claim with the sender and block number.
      Claims::<T>::insert(&claim, &sender);

      // Emit an event that the claim was created.
      Self::deposit_event(Event::CreateClaim { who: sender, claim });


using the package i am able to create the call and invoke the submitExtrinsic

rpcUrl := "ws://"

api, err := gsrpc.NewSubstrateAPI(rpcUrl)

meta, err := api.RPC.State.GetMetadataLatest()
genesisHash, err := api.RPC.Chain.GetBlockHash(0)

rv, err := api.RPC.State.GetRuntimeVersionLatest()
keyRing, err := GetKeyPair()

key, err := types.CreateStorageKey(meta, "System", "Account", keyRing.PublicKey)

var accountInfo types.AccountInfo
ok, err := api.RPC.State.GetStorageLatest(key, &accountInfo)
latestBlock, _ := api.RPC.Chain.GetBlockHashLatest()

nonce := uint32(accountInfo.Nonce)
fmt.Println("nonce", nonce)
o := types.SignatureOptions{
  BlockHash:          latestBlock,
  Era:                types.ExtrinsicEra{IsImmortalEra: true},
  GenesisHash:        genesisHash,
  Nonce:              types.NewUCompactFromUInt(uint64(nonce)),
  Tip:                types.NewUCompactFromUInt(10000000000),
  SpecVersion:        rv.SpecVersion,
  TransactionVersion: rv.TransactionVersion,

parameters := []interface{}{"a948904f2f0f479b8f8197694b30184b0d2ed1c1cd2a1ec0fb85d299a192a447"}
call, err := types.NewCall(

ext := types.NewExtrinsic(call)
val, err := codec.EncodeToHex(ext)

err = ext.Sign(keyRing, o)

val, _ = codec.EncodeToHex(ext)

subscription, err := api.RPC.Author.SubmitAndWatchExtrinsic(ext)
if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("error while executing")

The output of the code is throwing an error in the last stage which is not giving out much info on why its happening

error while executing
2023/10/20 12:04:23 Verification Error: Runtime error: Execution failed: Execution aborted due to trap: wasm trap: wasm `unreachable` instruction executed
WASM backtrace:
error while executing at wasm backtrace:
    0: 0x7f221 - <unknown>!rust_begin_unwind
    1: 0x24aa - <unknown>!core::panicking::panic_fmt::h0393390f71e5218b
    2: 0x36f7d - <unknown>!TaggedTransactionQueue_validate_transaction
exit status 1

but when i used the hex encoded values on the frontend template and invoked submitExtrinsic i got image (when i used the ext hex value pre-signing)

image (when using the ext hex value after signing)

the error seems to suggest bad signature and i followed everything from the *_test.go files. Any help would be appreciated

cdamian commented 11 months ago


This could be due to the fact that your chain has different SignedExtra defined. This might require a different kind of SignatureOptions that use something else instead of the normal Tip that we provide.

Please refer to the example provided here - https://github.com/centrifuge/go-substrate-rpc-client/blob/master/registry/retriever/extrinsic_retriever_live_test.go#L42, and check whether you need the non-default option found there.

You can then adjust the SignatureOptions on your end and try to submit an extrinsic using that.