centrofermi / e3pipe

Analysis pipeline for the EEE expriment
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update the pipeline to the new analyzer #86

Open lucabaldini opened 8 years ago

lucabaldini commented 8 years ago

The relevant part of the code is in tasks/e3recon.py, particularly the lines

baseFilePath = e3analyzer(rawFilePath, suffix)
dstFilePath = e3dst(baseFilePath)

Assuming that the root output of the new analyzer is compatible (from the prospective of the DQM) with the old one, we should just replace this with a one-line call to the new analyzer, and then proceed as before.

Some questions/items for discussion:

As we do this, it'd be nice to fix a few other things that have had issues open for a long time. I will do a list here.

The new analyzer produces an additional output file that's useful for comparison with the old analyzer. In this initial stage we want to keep it.

We want to maintain the old analyzer for the time being.

noferini commented 8 years ago

analyzer git clone https://your_user@github.com/centrofermi/EEE_Analyzer

cd EEE_Anayzer/eeeroot

make config make

il binario è sotto bin

eeereco.exe -b -r -c full_path/SCHOL-XX_XX/XX/XXXX_XXXXX.bin

noferini commented 8 years ago

-b batch mode -r resetta le vecchie calibrazioni -c calibra prima di ricostruire -oc calibra col vecchio schema (non strip by strip) -d aggiunge qualche istogramma -e0 -e1 -e2 per studi efficienze

noferini commented 8 years ago

-a update file invece di ricrearlo

lucabaldini commented 8 years ago

And here I am logging the progress.

Ok, this seems to do something, although at this time I don't seem to be able to compile the new analyzer and I am just borrowing one from Francesco, namely /home/noferini/Soft/EEE_Analyzer/eeeroot/bin/eeereco.exe

[lbaldini@eee-analisi e3pipe]$ e3analyzer2.py /data/SAVO-02/data/2015-11-30/SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001.bin 

    Welcome to e3pipe version 2.3.3 (built on Sat, 11 Jul 2015 08:24:07 -0700).

    Copyright (C) 2014--2015 Luca Baldini (luca.baldini@pi.infn.it)

    e3pipe comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
    conditions. See the LICENSE file for details.

    Visit https://github.com/centrofermi/e3pipe more information.

>>> About to execute "rm -rf /home/lbaldini/eeetmp/*"...
>>> Command executed with status code 0.
>>> Content of /home/lbaldini/eeetmp: []
>>> Processing run data file /data/SAVO-02/data/2015-11-30/SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001.bin...
>>> About to copy /data/SAVO-02/data/2015-11-30/SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001.bin to /home/lbaldini/eeetmp/SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001.bin...
>>> File succesfully copied.
>>> Generating the calibration file...
>>> About to execute "cd /home/lbaldini/eeetmp; /home/noferini/Soft/EEE_Analyzer/eeeroot/bin/eeereco.exe -b -r -c /home/lbaldini/eeetmp/SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001.bin"...
>>> Command executed with status code 0.
>>> Run processed in 19.512 s.
>>> Content of /home/lbaldini/eeetmp: ['SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001.bin', 'SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001.root', 'SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001_dst.root', 'eee_calib.txt']
>>> Returning dst file path: "/home/lbaldini/eeetmp/SAVO-02-2015-11-30-00001.root"...
[lbaldini@eee-analisi e3pipe]$ 
lucabaldini commented 8 years ago

And starting with the dst:

This fails, but at this point I can't tell whether it's because I am using an old version of the analyzer. .