ceph / ceph-csi-operator

operator that deploys and manages the CephCSI plugins
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RFE: Add a new Xready field to the CR status to indicates its ready for consumption. #2

Open Madhu-1 opened 1 month ago

Madhu-1 commented 1 month ago
          I usually see phase/message/reason in resource Conditions, but it seems to me that Conditions have been going out of vogue. I think this is probable because they are incredibly hard to deal with in code and user scripts compared to having typed fields for status.

Many of the recent sig-storage KEPs use a someResourceReady: bool (e.g., bucketReady: bool, snapshotReady: bool) as well, so that users can know with a boolean whether their resource is ready.

Personally, I don't have a preference between message and reason. Both are alphabetically close to phase which should mean users see the outputs near each other as status items are added.

But I would suggest some sort of xReady bool that indicates when config is ready.

_Originally posted by @BlaineEXE in https://github.com/ceph/ceph-csi-operator/pull/1#discussion_r1608513625_