ceph / ceph-csi

CSI driver for Ceph
Apache License 2.0
1.19k stars 527 forks source link

Add http health endpoint for ceph-csi-cephfs and ceph-csi-rbd #4665

Open norbinor opened 3 weeks ago

norbinor commented 3 weeks ago

Is it expected that you add http health endpoint implementation for ceph-csi-cephfs and ceph-csi-rbd, so that we can use them in K8s readiness/liveness Probes health check. In K8s deployments it would make the components more resilient against service outages or other issues. If it is expected, then when will it be possible?

nixpanic commented 3 weeks ago

This could be added, but there needs to be some definition of readiness/liveness. At what point is the Ceph-CSI driver expected to report "ready", and are there particular failure scenarios when the driver should report it is unhealthy?

/cc @ceph/ceph-csi-contributors

Madhu-1 commented 3 weeks ago

https://github.com/ceph/ceph-csi/issues/1096 we already have this one that can help this one.