ceph / merfi

Finds and signs files with different signing tools (gpg, rpm-sign)
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RFE: sign RPMs and yum repositories #29

Open ktdreyer opened 8 years ago

ktdreyer commented 8 years ago

Merfi can only sign Debian package repositories. We should make it search for RPM repositories and sign those, too.

Sign RPMs

Currently our shell script searches the tree for any file named .rpm, and checks for an existing signature, like rpm -qi -p $rpm 2>/dev/null | grep ^Signature

If that signature matches our key ID, then we assume the RPM has already been signed, and we skip it and move to the next one. If the Signature field is not present, or it does not match our key ID, then we sign the RPM (and move on to the next one, repeating the process).

Lastly, we need to re-run createrepo after we do this, because we're altering the RPM files' checksums whenever we change the signatures.

Sign yum's repomd.xml as repomd.xml.asc:

This is relatively straightforward. After we've completed the above steps of rpm --addsign * and createrepo, just detach-sign the repomd.xml file:

gpg --batch --yes --detach-sign --armor -u 0123ASDF repomd.xml