ceph / paddles

RESTful API to store (and report) on Ceph tests
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Provide an API grouping runs by suite #17

Closed zmc closed 10 years ago

zmc commented 11 years ago

It seems likely that this feature is going to rely on parsing the suite name out of the run name - unless we want to modify teuthology to keep track of which suite each job is generated by. I'm not sure we do.

Next step is comparing run results, à la:

$ ./compare.py teuthology-2013-10-22_15:11:33-rgw-next-testing-basic-plana teuthology-2013-10-22_15:11:26-rgw-next-testing-basic-plana
P => P  rgw/multifs/{clusters/fixed-2.yaml fs/ext4.yaml tasks/rgw_s3tests.yaml}
P => P  rgw/multifs/{clusters/fixed-2.yaml fs/ext4.yaml tasks/rgw_swift.yaml}
P => F  rgw/multifs/{clusters/fixed-2.yaml fs/xfs.yaml tasks/rgw_readwrite.yaml}

... But that can be a separate ticket.