cepheidqq / FactorySkyline

MIT License
8 stars 13 forks source link

No way to close/hide the menu once it is called #26

Closed nclow closed 3 years ago

nclow commented 3 years ago

Once you press 'R' to call the menu, is there no way to hide it again? I've tried 0.0.7 on EA and 0.0.9 on Experimental so I could see the custom input system you wrote, and maybe I'm missing it, but I can't find a way to dismiss the menu. It would be nice if it wasn't taking up space when it's not being used.

Pretty psyched to see where this mod is headed too. Nice job.

cepheidqq commented 3 years ago

Use Esc Key in the current version. It could be solved after merging the version of EA and Experimantal, it can add a new key to hide the mod UI without calling the game menu.

nclow commented 3 years ago

Ok if I press Esc to bring up the game menu and then Esc to dismiss it again, the Factory Skyline menu disappears, so I guess that's working as intended. Thanks. This mod is wonderful and it'll really help me building out my megafactory.