cepheidqq / FactorySkyline

MIT License
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Question: Edit saved blueprints / folders #29

Open CaptainRush opened 3 years ago

CaptainRush commented 3 years ago

Hi there, love the mod. Question: is there a way to edit / organize folders and saved blueprints with some out of game editor like notepad or something? my folders and blueprints are a mess and i need to reorganize them. is is possible in the game with the Skyline UI or offline via windows? thanks alot

cepheidqq commented 3 years ago

In current version, you can add and delete blueprints/folders. The move function will be added soon :)

CaptainRush commented 3 years ago

thx. but is there a way to edit the folders / names of blueprint with notepad or such?

cepheidqq commented 3 years ago

The data of blueprints is saved in the saving file of the game. if there exists a json editor for satisfactory game, you can edit them as you wish.

CaptainRush commented 3 years ago

The data of blueprints is saved in the saving file of the game. if there exists a json editor for satisfactory game, you can edit them as you wish.

Interesting! Thanks for this info.