cepheidqq / FactorySkyline

MIT License
8 stars 13 forks source link

Please add a licence to allow us to use your code :) #48

Open The1NdNly opened 3 years ago

The1NdNly commented 3 years ago

hey, @cepheidqq it's me again! :)

we have managed to patch your mod for update 4 thanks to the hard work of @RozeDoyanawa however we are unable to release this to the community due to there being no license given by yourself. would it be possible to either attach one to your repo or just reply to one of these issues saying so, please? MIT or GPL would be great however feel free to choose as you wish! ill add some links below to make it easier for yourself :)

https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/ https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/

Hope your well, The1

cepheidqq commented 2 years ago

It sounds a nice work, thanks for your contribution for this game & mod. After publishing the source code of this mod as a package on the github, everyone could use this code or part of them. In additional, it's an awosome work to hold a branch of it based on the licenses of MIT or GPL. It seems more consistent with the community rules. You can do it, and publish the mod with update IV on the FICSIT as a new mod.

Imachicken29 commented 2 years ago

Hey there! an MIT or GPL license is necessary to re-distribute your mod on the SMR website. the team behind factory skyline can not upload the mod without the GitHub license since it will be against SMR Terms of Service

Knowen commented 2 years ago

Really looking forward to use this mod again. <3

LegionsNecro666 commented 2 years ago

Please send the the licence, would be truly beneficial to my game to have this mod working again and it seems such a waste if your not modding anymore, they have managed to update it to update 4 it seems logiacal for you to relaease it.

Knowen commented 2 years ago

@LegionsNecro666 For my game aswell. I came up with a very neat factory building design, but it is very tideous to build that. with this mod I could easily copy it.

time4dev commented 2 years ago


hey, @cepheidqq it's me again! :)

we have managed to patch your mod for update 4 thanks to the hard work of @RozeDoyanawa however we are unable to release this to the community due to there being no license given by yourself. would it be possible to either attach one to your repo or just reply to one of these issues saying so, please? MIT or GPL would be great however feel free to choose as you wish! ill add some links below to make it easier for yourself :)

https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/ https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/

Hope your well, The1

Hi! When will it be possible to use the mod on update 4?

LegionsNecro666 commented 2 years ago


Any news on this getting the update 4 release, or will this now be abandoned and wasted, I think that is a shame if it is as it looks like a modder has managed to get this to work for update 4 just relying on a certificate is blocking them, which is a entire waste, I understand you dont have time to mod any more as life moves on but if someone had managed to get my mod working for a new update I would gladly give them the certificate to release and publish it. So please let us know what the plan is for this mod so we are no longer waiting in limbo. Thanks and hope to hear good news regarding this mod.

Knowen commented 2 years ago

I think we can bury our hope. Sadly.

happymy commented 2 years ago

Come on UPDATE 5 will release today.

cepheidqq commented 2 years ago

I've uploaded the MIT license in this project. Is it the missing process to publish mods?

Knowen commented 2 years ago

Thank you. As far as i know this was the missing piece :)

happymy commented 2 years ago

OK.boys let's rock. THIS MOD get blueprint function. I recommend using strings to store blueprints. Easy for share blueprints.