multiformats@11.x.x shipped with a breaking change so update all deps using multiformats to the latest version.
BREAKING CHANGE: the CID class exposed by the types of this module now comes from multiformats@v11.x.x
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[ ] Unit tests pass
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[ ] I have added relevant tests for new or updated functionality
[ ] My code follows conventions, is well commented, and easy to understand
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[ ] I have updated the READMEs of affected packages
[ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation
[ ] The changes have been communicated to interested parties
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shipped with a breaking change so update all deps using multiformats to the latest version.BREAKING CHANGE: the CID class exposed by the types of this module now comes from
How Has This Been Tested?
Definition of Done
Before submitting this PR, please make sure:
Please list relevant documentation (e.g. tech specs, articles, related work etc.) relevant to this change, and note if the documentation has been updated.