cerberustesting / cerberus-core

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[Cerberus Version : 4.16-1747][GL] The command scroll to is not working #2458

Closed Moujib-automate closed 4 months ago

Moujib-automate commented 1 year ago


we noticed that the command Scroll TO is not working ; it is performing a wait instead as shown in the screenshot

Cerberus Version : 4.16-1747 image

vertigo17 commented 1 year ago

I will need more detail and context on that. Can you provide the page where you want to scroll and a screenshot of the element you want to scroll to. That could be a wrong xpath or iframe issue. Anyway you can always try to get around that issue by scrollTo using a text or using keyPress action with page down.

mflorid commented 1 year ago


We have the same issue here : #2450


Cerberus mark it at passed but he didnt do the action

If we put the scroll with the text


Cerberus didnt manage to do the action either.

vertigo17 commented 1 year ago

Can you put the URL that you open and the xpath in text mode so that I try to reproduce ? Thanks.

mflorid commented 1 year ago

Can you put the URL that you open and the xpath in text mode so that I try to reproduce ? Thanks.


xpath=(//*[@class="adeo-section fullwidth bg-darkblue padded"])[1]


text : À LA UNE

vertigo17 commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I managed to reproduce. I will come back to you.

vertigo17 commented 1 year ago

Issue should be fixed. Don't hesite to reopen is not the case on latest master.

MathisSenicourt commented 5 months ago

Hi, the issue seems to be still present on 4.18

MathisSenicourt commented 4 months ago

The scroll doesn't work but there is no error from cerberus. To reproduce :

open url : https://www.laredoute.it/ppdp/prod-350309180.aspx

reject cookies by cliking on: //*[@id="popin_tc_privacy_button_2"]

scroll to : //button[contains(@class,'product-rating-open-language')]//span

there is a bypass by using javascrip :

document.evaluate("XPATH HERE", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue.scrollIntoView();

and example: document.evaluate("//*[@data-cerberus='color']", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue.scrollIntoView();

vertigo17 commented 4 months ago

fixed with commit https://github.com/cerberustesting/cerberus-core/commit/9757314baa56a5838d0bd830151027b319f980fb