When we opened an existing testcase which had getFromHtmlVisible property, which is now grouped in the getFromHtml, properties are not loading and we can't perform any action (save testcase, add property, add step, etc.).
We found there is a naming difference between the property name in front and in database.
In front we have getFromHtml, in database in the testcasecountryproperties we have getFromHTML (update 1841 database.sql), and in the invariant table we have the same as front.
If we replace getFromHTML by getFromHtml in the testcasecountryproperties it works fine. So we think that it's a mistake of naming in the update 1841.
When we opened an existing testcase which had getFromHtmlVisible property, which is now grouped in the getFromHtml, properties are not loading and we can't perform any action (save testcase, add property, add step, etc.).
We found there is a naming difference between the property name in front and in database.
In front we have getFromHtml, in database in the testcasecountryproperties we have getFromHTML (update 1841 database.sql), and in the invariant table we have the same as front.
If we replace getFromHTML by getFromHtml in the testcasecountryproperties it works fine. So we think that it's a mistake of naming in the update 1841.
Could you confirm?