cere-io / cere-games-sdk

Cere Games SDK
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✨ Achievement Icons in Cere Gaming SDK #139

Open calmrat opened 8 months ago

calmrat commented 8 months ago


Scenario: As a gamer, when I achieve specific milestones in a game, I want to see a unique achievement icon on the leaderboard, distinct from the regular 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place icons.

Example: If Player A eliminates 100 enemies in a game and leads in the "Enemies Killed" category, the leaderboard should display a special achievement icon for Player A, signifying this accomplishment.


Enhance the Cere Gaming SDK to support the tracking of custom in-game activities and achievements. The SDK should be capable of saving and retrieving JSON data, which can then be integrated into the Leaderboard UI. This will allow the leaderboard to showcase specific achievement icons based on custom events.

Key Features:

  1. SDK Enhancement: Upgrade the Cere Gaming SDK to monitor custom in-game actions and achievements.
  2. Achievement Display: Show achievement icons on the leaderboard when a player meets predefined criteria.

Key Deliverables:

Delivery Set 1: SDK Method Enhancements

Delivery Set 2: Leaderboard UI Enhancements

It contains achievement icons saved to DDC and retrieved from DDC. Icons should be saved on user bases per the game. Achievements should be linked to the user and icon can be customizable. Leaderboard has to maintain extensions for user profiles in order to let this implementation to be done.

For example player1 killed 20 zombies and got achievement with zombie icon posted below


Additional Notes:

To ensure a comprehensive and user-friendly experience, designs may be needed if there are numerous achievements. Making user profiles clickable to provide more details can be a potential solution.

Leaderboard could look like the following

Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 15 48 58