cerebral-legacy / cerebral-module-forms

Form handling for Cerebral
MIT License
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isTouched field not working? #28

Closed awei01 closed 8 years ago

awei01 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm assuming isTouched is to determine whether or not the form field is dirty or not. So, when the end user modifies the input so that it no longer matches the default value, then isTouched = true

If the above is correct, it doesn't seem to be working. If the default value is "" then isTouched is always false. When default value is set to some string like "foo" then isTouched is always true.

Using "cerebral-module-forms": "^0.2.7"

awei01 commented 8 years ago

nevermind. i see it implemented in react components.