I created new rails engine with a dummy app and copied that into our
test folder in the same place, test/dummy. I suspect that using the
incantantations in the generated test/dummy and test/test_helper.rb will
help get us to Rails 7.1 test parity.
rails plugin new TestApp --mountable
All Submissions:
[x] I've checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change.
[ ] I've submitted a ticket for my issue if one did not already exist.
[x] My submission passes all tests. (Please run the full test suite locally to cut down on noise from travis failures.)
except for Rails 7.1, which is already failing
[ ] I've used Github auto-closing keywords in the commit message or the description.
[ ] I've added/updated tests for this change.
New Feature Submissions:
[ ] I've submitted an issue that describes this feature, and received the go ahead from the maintainers.
[ ] My submission includes new tests.
[ ] My submission maintains compliance with JSON:API.
Bug fixes and Changes to Core Features:
[ ] I've included an explanation of what the changes do and why I'd like you to include them.
[ ] I've provided test(s) that fails without the change.
Test Plan:
Reviewer Checklist:
[ ] Maintains compliance with JSON:API
[ ] Adequate test coverage exists to prevent regressions
I created new rails engine with a dummy app and copied that into our test folder in the same place, test/dummy. I suspect that using the incantantations in the generated test/dummy and test/test_helper.rb will help get us to Rails 7.1 test parity.
All Submissions:
New Feature Submissions:
Bug fixes and Changes to Core Features:
Test Plan:
Reviewer Checklist: