cerebroapp / cerebro

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Cerebro doesn't search UWP apps on Windows 10. #310

Open sguergachi opened 7 years ago

sguergachi commented 7 years ago


Cerebro doesn't search UWP apps on Windows 10. If you download a UWP app from the Windows store and search for it on Cerebro, it won't find it, even though Windows search does.

KELiON commented 7 years ago

@sguergachi hey! can you find this app in start menu? If so, can you copy and paste here full path to the application?

I'll explain how search works now: there is a list of directories, where we are looking for .exe and .lnk files. There directories are app directories from start menu and windows desktop. So, probably UWP apps are not located there and we just need to add new folders to the index.

anishmworld commented 7 years ago

@KELiON UWP apps are not added to start menu like normal shortcuts. You cannot add UWP app shortcuts to the desktop. Their executables reside somewhere within the depths of "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps", and that directory itself is not accessible by users. In task manager, the entry of the executable refers to a folder instead of an actual .exe file

toby00001 commented 7 years ago

I want to bump this, using the latest version of Cerebro - 0.3.0 and latest release of Window 10

Under Windows 10 MANY basic apps and tools are UWP, such as:

...basically the most commonly launched apps.

Please give this some attention, it kind of renders Cerebro useless on Windows 10.

AriTheElk commented 7 years ago

Are there any plans to resolve this issue? Cerebro is virtually useless as an app launcher on Windows 10 at the moment 😕

KELiON commented 7 years ago

Would be great to have some Cerebro user on Windows who is able to help with it.

Maybe @SkaceKamen can help?

AriTheElk commented 7 years ago

I'm both a js dev and a windows user, so I could look into it when I have some time (this weekend), but it would be great to have someone who's familiar with cerebro on windows so I could discuss the issue with.

KELiON commented 7 years ago

@garetmckinley you can try gitter, so someone (or me:)) can help to resolve the issue. Thanks!

LeLocTai commented 6 years ago

This can be done by using Powershell: > Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers result look like this

Name                   : Microsoft.WindowsStore
Publisher              : CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
Architecture           : X64
ResourceId             :
Version                : 11708.1001.26.0
PackageFullName        : Microsoft.WindowsStore_11708.1001.26.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
InstallLocation        : C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsStore_11708.1001.26.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
IsFramework            : False
PackageFamilyName      : Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe
PublisherId            : 8wekyb3d8bbwe
PackageUserInformation : {S-1-5-21-1131504579-1779973097-1197981700-1001 [vzttz]: Installed}
IsResourcePackage      : False
IsBundle               : False
IsDevelopmentMode      : False
Dependencies           : {Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.6_1.6.24903.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe,
IsPartiallyStaged      : False

It can the be start like this: > start shell:AppsFolder\[PackageFamilyName]!App So: > start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App

Here how to run powershell command: https://xainey.github.io/2017/powershell-electron-demo/

mawiseman commented 6 years ago

did you guys get a solution?

siaf commented 6 years ago

I can think of a work around for this for the time being.

It's possible to create Shortcuts of UWP apps following the steps below:

To create a Desktop shortcut for a Store app in Windows 10, do the following.

Then we can copy those shortcuts to Desktop or a specific folder in start menu. Then Cerebro should be able to find them.

I've tried this and it gets the job done, it's not perfect of course but at least a start.

PS. I noticed that using this approach the Icons would not get loaded :(

Jantje19 commented 6 years ago

Take a look at this plugin I made. It is a little rough around the edges, but it does the job!

binarymelon commented 5 years ago

Any update on this?

gaetgu commented 4 years ago

Take a look at this plugin I made. It is a little rough around the edges, but it does the job!

How would I install this?