ceremcem / unlock-luks-partition

Unlock a LUKS partition via SSH
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Strict host key checking must be disabled #4

Closed ceremcem closed 2 years ago

ceremcem commented 5 years ago

To enable a second step flexibility, strict host key checking must be disabled so that the target node will be able to connect to another (possibly an untrusted) server which will forward the connections to our server.

Since the server already has its encryption layer, there is no possible vulnerability introduced.

ceremcem commented 5 years ago

Already disabled with -y -y option.

ralienpp commented 2 years ago

@ceremcem, what is the role of duplicating the -y parameter? The documentation for https://linux.die.net/man/1/dbclient doesn't mention any effects for this case. Is this written twice on purpose?

ceremcem commented 2 years ago

This can't be a typo, I think I added -y twice on purpose. However you are also right. I can neither remember nor find again why I might have added this switch twice.

This issue can be closed after verifying that the single -y switch works as expected.

ralienpp commented 2 years ago

It works with a single -y (tested on 2 Debian 11 systems).

ceremcem commented 2 years ago

Thanks for testing. I'd accept the PR for this if you open one.

On Tue, Feb 22, 2022, 11:41 Alex Railean @.***> wrote:

It works with a single -y (tested on 2 Debian 11 systems).

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