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Evaluate site with axe browser plugin for accessibility issues #132

Open cchesser opened 4 years ago

cchesser commented 4 years ago

We will want to look at our current static generated templates for accessibility issues with the axe plugin. We can then address and inventory outstanding items related to the site.

Scan Results


Finding Occurrences
ARIA attributes must conform to valid names 1
Elements must have sufficient color contrast 63
Frames must have title attribute 1
Form elements must have labels 1
Zooming and scaling must not be disabled 1
All page content must be contained by landmarks 1
Links with the same name have a similar purpose 1

New site

Results for the newly updated landing site from #136

Finding Occurrences
Elements must have sufficient color contrast 13
Images must have alternate text 2
Links must have discernible text 7
Heading levels should only increase by one 2


cchesser commented 4 years ago

Items in the TODOs are still outstanding, but all the accessibilities of the older site are now gone with 1a72b67a1b0fd61b27e9ac4cc312a9dadbf1f7e8.