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Selection of (six) featured articles for the release #1732

Closed sefeg closed 6 years ago

sefeg commented 6 years ago

While the functionality to mark posts as featured is being implemented, we can already collect a set that we want to feature in the upcoming release. We can feature six on the landing page. Here, we can also discuss the position of those. For this issue, I propose to consider the top left post on the landing page as number 1, the right bottom one as number 6.

The following represents a list of contents we discussed so far. An element should be checked as soon as the article is publish-ready (even though it might still need editing). I will directly link all those that have been added to COD. That allows everyone to review and edit the contents. (Edit: Lists updated 7 December to reflect current priorities.)

Feature these six on the homepage

Additional provided content

Towards the end of the sprint / release, we can discuss which of the ready articles finally are featured and which positions they take.

My initial thoughts (look at the list above for most current overview):

1 – Welcome to our updated portal

With the growing demand of open science data and increased interest in the CERN Open Data portal, we were working hard on modernizing our web presence. Here, we are telling you more about the changes we made and how you can use the updated portal…


2 – CMS 2012 data release

Image could be like the one that follows, or alternatively a Higgs plot, if a nice one can be produced. (more on that news records from @katilp )


3 - Improving educational content with high school teachers: A summer student report


4 – CMS Guide to education use of CERN Open Data


5 – ATLAS Higgs Machine Learning challenge


6 – CMS Guide to research use of CERN Open Data


tiborsimko commented 6 years ago

There are perhaps too many CMS related items in the above list?

Two other good candidates would be:

sefeg commented 6 years ago

I agree! Since we have a lot of very good CMS guiding material, we can great an umbrella record that links to the various CMS resources. That way, we would only have two featured CMS records in the list. (The summer student record is not that visible as a CMS related resource).

katilp commented 6 years ago

We may have the contribution from Jesse Thaler as well, so we need to prioritize from the CMS side. Will there be a "Show more" option to see more "News" articles on the entry page?

suenjedt commented 6 years ago

An article by Jesse Thaler would be great, of course, @katilp . @sefeg i am not convinced of the umbrella article (if i understand it correctly), and would prefer to include Opera and Lhcb to balance.

tiborsimko commented 6 years ago

I would also prefer no umbrellas... and I like the show-more button mentioned by @katilp. This could simply lead to the search page where we would display all articles, sorted by chronological order, featured only, facet by experiment, and all the other goodies.

suenjedt commented 6 years ago

@tiborsimko @sefeg do you want me to contact our LHCb and Opera contacts to coordinate the featured article? I am aware that we have materials for Opera (still would be good to share plans).

sefeg commented 6 years ago

@suenjedt that would be great!

I think @tiborsimko is on to an article on LHCb AntimatterMatters2017

As soon as an article is ready to be featured, we can make a note in this issue.

katilp commented 6 years ago

Jesse will provide the story by the end of the month. He already suggested an image for illustration: pr_event_display_no_logo.pdf or pr_event_display_with_sub.pdf (with or without their logo)

For CMS, this article has the priority (after the CMS 2012 release announcement). Can we combine the two guides in the list above in one article (to save feature space)?

RaoOfPhysics commented 6 years ago

@katilp: As I understand it, our priorities are:

  1. 2012 release
  2. Jet substructure paper by MIT theorists
  3. Anything else…

Perhaps for now the first two will suffice?

Also, @sefeg, can you add the check-list + links to the OP of this issue, so we can track progress directly there?

katilp commented 6 years ago

@RaoOfPhysics Yes, that's I how I would see it. 3 can be Guide to education use of CMS Open Data (which has just been updated)

sefeg commented 6 years ago

Done! Moved the list to the top of the issue. @RaoOfPhysics

RaoOfPhysics commented 6 years ago

@sefeg: Ace, thanks. :)

sefeg commented 6 years ago

"Welcome to our updated portal" is now available on dev. @daslerr @suenjedt please feel free to edit the article The markdown file can be found here.

RaoOfPhysics commented 6 years ago

If no-one else is going to simultaneously edit the text, I could take a stab at making some small changes. Please let me know if I should proceed. Thanks!

sefeg commented 6 years ago

Absolutely! Any support is highly appreciated @RaoOfPhysics thank you!

suenjedt commented 6 years ago

@RaoOfPhysics I continue once you are done. We need to remove Opera from this text though.

RaoOfPhysics commented 6 years ago

@suenjedt: Thanks, I can remove OPERA. Anything specific I should do with it? I'm in the middle of some other work, but I should be able to submit a PR by lunch.

Also, can I change the author to "CERN Open Data team" rather than "Open Data Portal team"? Thanks!

suenjedt commented 6 years ago

@RaoOfPhysics Yes, please change to CERN Open Data team. And just take Opera out. Will be released with a separate announcement.

daslerr commented 6 years ago

I updated the cheklist at the top to reflect the priorities discussed in the comments and to include the MIT article. @RaoOfPhysics are you in charge of the CMS 2012 data release announcement?

ioannistsanaktsidis commented 6 years ago

As I see on the checkbox list we already have 6 records to display in the homepage. Is this one considered as done ? cc @daslerr @sefeg

suenjedt commented 6 years ago

We would like to wait for the lhcb contribution which shall arrive beginning of next week.

daslerr commented 6 years ago

I've updated the checklists to be more specific. :) Yes, we're waiting on the LHCb contribution and the final CMS 2012 announcement.

RaoOfPhysics commented 6 years ago

@daslerr: Yes, I'm drafting the CMS 2012 release announcement.

tiborsimko commented 6 years ago

Three articles selected, completed, and deployed. Closing the issue.