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ALICE record appears in CMS open data instructions #946

Closed tpmccauley closed 8 years ago

tpmccauley commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-03-15 at 5 24 25 pm
tpmccauley commented 8 years ago

When one clicks on it ones goes to a CMS resource:

tpmccauley commented 8 years ago

It seems that there are two records with the same numbers. 55 is used for the ALICE Masterclasses record as well:

compare with:

artfisica commented 8 years ago

Dear OpenData Team,

In order to start the integration of the new ATLAS data&tools release, I have been following the instructions in:

And everything looks fine, but at the end when the web container is running, here some of the last lines:

web_1 | * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) web_1 | * Restarting with inotify reloader web_1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web_1 | DEBUG in factory [/code/invenio/base/]: web_1 | DEBUG = True web_1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web_1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web_1 | DEBUG in factory [/code/invenio/base/]: web_1 | DEBUG_TB_INTERCEPT_REDIRECTS = False web_1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web_1 | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ DeprecationWarning: Operator '<<' is deprecated, use '<<=' instead web_1 | ret << Group( Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore( ignoreExpr | ret | content ) + Suppress(closer) ) web_1 | web_1 | /code/invenio/legacy/external_authentication/ RemovedInInvenio21Warning: External authentication pluugins have been deprecated. Please use 'invenio.modules.oauthclient' or Flask-SSO instead. web_1 | RemovedInInvenio21Warning) web_1 | web_1 | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/ DeprecationWarning: wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy is deprecated, and will be removed in WTForms 3.0. The package has been extracted to a separate package wtforms_sqlalchemy: . web_1 | Or alternately, check out the WTForms-Alchemy package which provides declarative mapping and more: web_1 | DeprecationWarning web_1 | web_1 | * Debugger is active! web_1 | * Debugger pin code: 119-083-381 mysql_1 | 2016-05-02T14:37:13.526281Z 30 [Note] Aborted connection 30 to db: 'invenio' user: 'invenio' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) mysql_1 | 2016-05-02T14:37:13.526688Z 31 [Note] Aborted connection 31 to db: 'invenio' user: 'invenio' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) mysql_1 | 2016-05-02T14:38:14.978135Z 34 [Note] Aborted connection 34 to db: 'invenio' user: 'invenio' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)

But I cannot find the website in the host (neither in localhost) and I a wondering if this is symptom that in fact not all is fine.

Do you have an idea of what can I try? Thank you for any help.

Cheers, Arturo

artfisica commented 8 years ago

Dear All,

excuse me for the self-reply but I went deeper in the docker documentation to check the status of the containers and I do find the “ opendatacernch_web” in “” but for some reason I cannot see it in my browser.

And also using the of the VM as explained in:

                    ##         .
              ## ## ##        ==
           ## ## ## ## ##    ===
       /"""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
  ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
       \______ o           __/
         \    \         __/

docker is configured to use the default machine with IP For help getting started, check out the docs at

arturos@arturos-mac-air:~/ATLAS/Outreach/opendata/$ docker-machine ip default arturos@arturos-mac-air:~/ATLAS/Outreach/opendata/$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 5e594697e082 opendatacernch_worker "/code/scripts/docker" 8 hours ago Up About a minute opendatacernch_worker_1 f15418e459f5 opendatacernch_web "/code/scripts/docker" 8 hours ago Up About a minute>28080/tcp opendatacernch_web_1 b54cd7cae998 mysql "" 8 hours ago Up About a minute>3306/tcp opendatacernch_mysql_1 e9406060a794 redis "" 8 hours ago Up About a minute>6379/tcp opendatacernch_redis_1 arturos@arturos-mac-air:~/ATLAS/Outreach/opendata/$

Thank you for any advice, Cheers, Arturo

On 02 May 2016, at 16:49, Arturos Sanchez Pineda<> wrote:

Dear OpenData Team,

In order to start the integration of the new ATLAS data&tools release, I have been following the instructions in:

And everything looks fine, but at the end when the web container is running, here some of the last lines:

web_1 | * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) web_1 | * Restarting with inotify reloader web_1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web_1 | DEBUG in factory [/code/invenio/base/]: web_1 | DEBUG = True web_1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web_1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web_1 | DEBUG in factory [/code/invenio/base/]: web_1 | DEBUG_TB_INTERCEPT_REDIRECTS = False web_1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web_1 | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ DeprecationWarning: Operator '<<' is deprecated, use '<<=' instead web_1 | ret << Group( Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore( ignoreExpr | ret | content ) + Suppress(closer) ) web_1 | web_1 | /code/invenio/legacy/external_authentication/ RemovedInInvenio21Warning: External authentication pluugins have been deprecated. Please use 'invenio.modules.oauthclient' or Flask-SSO instead. web_1 | RemovedInInvenio21Warning) web_1 | web_1 | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/ DeprecationWarning: wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy is deprecated, and will be removed in WTForms 3.0. The package has been extracted to a separate package wtforms_sqlalchemy: . web_1 | Or alternately, check out the WTForms-Alchemy package which provides declarative mapping and more: web_1 | DeprecationWarning web_1 | web_1 | * Debugger is active! web_1 | * Debugger pin code: 119-083-381 mysql_1 | 2016-05-02T14:37:13.526281Z 30 [Note] Aborted connection 30 to db: 'invenio' user: 'invenio' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) mysql_1 | 2016-05-02T14:37:13.526688Z 31 [Note] Aborted connection 31 to db: 'invenio' user: 'invenio' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) mysql_1 | 2016-05-02T14:38:14.978135Z 34 [Note] Aborted connection 34 to db: 'invenio' user: 'invenio' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)

But I cannot find the website in the host (neither in localhost) and I a wondering if this is symptom that in fact not all is fine.

Do you have an idea of what can I try? Thank you for any help.

Cheers, Arturo