cerr / CERR

Matlab/Octave based platform for Radiological Research.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Radiomics first order stats #847

Open laurar2022 opened 1 year ago

laurar2022 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i have loaded a structure from a RT DICOM file to modify it. But after doing so, the first order features i get from the function radiomics_first_order_stats are the same as when the structure wasn't modified. I don't know if CERR isn't saving the changes I'm making to the structure, but every time I modify it I click save. Still the first order features don't change.

adityaapte commented 1 year ago

Perhaps you can check whether you get a different volume for the modified structure using the following. Make sure to use "global planC" to get changes from the GUI.

global planC

% Structure volume getStructureVol(structNum,planC)

% Obtain first order statistics offsetForEnergy = 1000; % For CT, for example. Can be set to 0 for PET, MR. binWidth = 10; binNum = []; firstOrderS = radiomics_first_order_stats(planC,structNum,offsetForEnergy,binWidth,binNum)

There were updates to this routine to accept number of bins for entropy calculation. Please pull the latest updates.

laurar2022 commented 1 year ago

I've checked the volume with getStructureVol and it changes when modifying the structure, however first order stats remain the same. I've checked I have the updated version from 2018 and I'm using global planC.

adityaapte commented 1 year ago

radiomics_first_order_stats accepts structure and scan index from planC or the structure and scan matrices. You will have to pass scan and structure index to radiomics_first_order_stats so that it uses the modified structure from planC.