cert-manager / webhook-example

A cert-manager sample repository for creating an ACME DNS01 solver webhook
Apache License 2.0
109 stars 423 forks source link

Make unit testing easier/make examples work #3

Open munnerz opened 5 years ago

munnerz commented 5 years ago

Right now if you run go test within this repository, the tests will fail.

They fail for a few reasons:

(1) can be fixed by adding a fetch-binaries.sh script (probably taken straight from sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools).

(2) and (3) can be most easily fixed by embedding a 'fake dns server' into the webhook, which will listen for DNS queries and serve TXT records accordingly. This is how cert-manager itself handles tests for the RFC2136 DNS01 provider, and there is a reusable library that we can use to build it easily: https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/tree/master/test/acme/dns/server

cmoulliard commented 5 years ago

The documented command with the README file is also wrong as the domain name should been defined as such

$ TEST_ZONE_NAME=example.com. go test .

and not as

$ TEST_ZONE_NAME=example.com go test .
cmoulliard commented 5 years ago

If we add the content of this bash script and call it before to run the test

using tools
fetching tools
x kubebuilder/
x kubebuilder/bin/
x kubebuilder/bin/etcd
x kubebuilder/bin/kubectl
x kubebuilder/bin/kube-apiserver
kubebuilder tools (etcd, kubectl, kube-apiserver)used to perform local tests installed under ./_out/kubebuilder/bin/

Bash script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

#hack_dir=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE})
#source ${hack_dir}/common.sh


if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then

if [[ "$goos" == "unknown" ]]; then
  echo "OS '$OSTYPE' not supported. Aborting." >&2
  exit 1


# Turn colors in this script off by setting the NO_COLOR variable in your
# environment to any value:
# $ NO_COLOR=1 test.sh
if [ -z "$NO_COLOR" ]; then

function header_text {
  echo "$header$*$reset"

# fetch k8s API gen tools and make it available under kb_root_dir/bin.
function fetch_kb_tools {
  header_text "fetching tools"
  mkdir -p $tmp_root

  if [ ! -f $kb_tools_archive_path ]; then
    curl -sL ${kb_tools_download_url} -o "$kb_tools_archive_path"
  tar -zvxf "$kb_tools_archive_path" -C "$tmp_root/"

header_text "using tools"

header_text "kubebuilder tools (etcd, kubectl, kube-apiserver)used to perform local tests installed under $tmp_root/kubebuilder/bin/"
exit 0

and set the binary path here

package main

import (


var (
    zone = os.Getenv("TEST_ZONE_NAME")
    kubeBuilderBinPath = "./_out/kubebuilder/bin"

func TestRunsSuite(t *testing.T) {
    // The manifest path should contain a file named config.json that is a
    // snippet of valid configuration that should be included on the
    // ChallengeRequest passed as part of the test cases.

    fixture := dns.NewFixture(&customDNSProviderSolver{},


then the test can work locally

=== RUN   TestRunsSuite/Conformance/Basic/PresentRecord
I0529 10:07:54.590584   96706 request.go:947] Request Body: {"kind":"Namespace","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{"name":"basic-present-record","creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{},"status":{}}
I0529 10:07:54.590693   96706 round_trippers.go:419] curl -k -v -XPOST  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-Agent: ___main_test_go/v0.0.0 (darwin/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" -H "Accept: application/json, */*" ''
I0529 10:07:54.593889   96706 round_trippers.go:438] POST 201 Created in 3 milliseconds
I0529 10:07:54.593936   96706 round_trippers.go:444] Response Headers:
I0529 10:07:54.593945   96706 round_trippers.go:447]     Content-Type: application/json
I0529 10:07:54.593952   96706 round_trippers.go:447]     Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 08:07:54 GMT
I0529 10:07:54.593963   96706 round_trippers.go:447]     Content-Length: 311
I0529 10:07:54.595697   96706 request.go:947] Response Body: {"kind":"Namespace","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{"name":"basic-present-record","selfLink":"/api/v1/namespaces/basic-present-record","uid":"dca85b60-81e8-11e9-ac2c-4c32758b7e5f","resourceVersion":"40","creationTimestamp":"2019-05-29T08:07:54Z"},"spec":{"finalizers":["kubernetes"]},"status":{"phase":"Active"}}
Decoded configuration {}I0529 10:07:58.648438   96706 wait.go:269] Searching fqdn "cert-manager-dns01-tests.example.com." using seed nameservers []
I0529 10:07:58.834931   96706 wait.go:336] Returning discovered zone record "example.com." for fqdn "cert-manager-dns01-tests.example.com."
I0529 10:07:58.877248   96706 wait.go:287] Returning authoritative nameservers [a.iana-servers.net., b.iana-servers.net.]
I0529 10:07:59.000405   96706 wait.go:120] Looking up TXT records for "cert-manager-dns01-tests.example.com."
I0529 10:08:01.651670   96706 wait.go:269] Searching fqdn "cert-manager-dns01-tests.example.com." using seed nameservers []
I0529 10:08:01.651718   96706 wait.go:300] Returning cached zone record "example.com." for fqdn "cert-manager-dns01-tests.example.com."
I0529 10:08:01.696203   96706 wait.go:287] Returning authoritative nameservers [a.iana-servers.net., b.iana-servers.net.]
I0529 10:08:01.817908   96706 wait.go:120] Looking up TXT records for "cert-manager-dns01-tests.example.com."
cmoulliard commented 5 years ago

Can we expect an update on the ticket ? @munnerz

mansona commented 3 years ago

Hey folks 👋 I tried my hand at the (1) problem you mentioned @munnerz and now I'm struggling with even knowing what to do next 😂

You mention that the test suite doesn't try to set any records anywhere, but I'm wondering if it were possible to actually have this test run "live" with a test account with the provider you're trying to integrate with. I know it would obviously be better to mock everything if you're trying to setup CI/CD, but I'm currently just trying to get the project working and care a little bit less about best practices 🙈 😂

jakexks commented 3 years ago

Hello! - relatively new cert-manager project member here reading some very old issues. I bumped the version of everything and made an example package that passes the text fixture.

@mansona if you set UseAuthoritative to true in the test fixture I believe the test suite will actually try to resolve the test domains while running.

mansona commented 3 years ago

ooo thanks @jakexks 👍 is the example package you talk about public? are you able to share a link?

jakexks commented 3 years ago

It's in the main repo, so pulling the latest changes and typing make test will run it


mansona commented 3 years ago

Ok so looking at this again, yes it looks like the new example works (as in the tests pass) but it now looks very different from the previous example 😂 I'm trying to use the examples and some info from forks of this repo to piece together a webhook handler even though I don't actually know how to write go 🙃

You mention I should set UseAuthorative to true but I don't see this defined or used anywhere 🤔 what do you mean by this?

mansona commented 3 years ago

So I finally was able to push through and get the initial version of my webhook handler implemented 🎉 I'm going to try and get it tested in a real kubernetes deployment at some point over the next week: https://github.com/mansona/cert-manager-webhook-netlify

I ended up not using your updated code @jakexks and more-so leaned on some other examples like https://github.com/NetWatcher/cert-manager-webhook-godaddy and https://github.com/bwolf/cert-manager-webhook-gandi

I am interested in helping make this process a bit easier for people with a bit more guidance so if there is anything that I can try to assist with that please let me know. I will say that I'm not sure if my difficulty was caused by any lack of guidance from the example, or just my extreme lack of knowledge of golang 🙈 This is the first thing that I have ever written in golang

toksdotdev commented 3 years ago

@mansona Please were you able to get the netlify DNS webhook tested in Kubernetes? I'm currently experiencing the same issue, and seems there's very little documentation on how to handle the deployment.

wallrj commented 2 years ago

The make test target does at least download the Kubebuilder binaries now