certara / survivalnma

R interface for popular survival network meta-analysis models (requires WinBUGS)
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support for JAGS instead of winbugs #2

Open sonksen opened 4 years ago

sonksen commented 4 years ago

Hey Certara, just came across this work and it is really great! Do you have plans to add support for JAGS in addition to winbugs? I can probably help with a PR but I wanted to make sure you haven't already started working on it. I believe it just needs a couple changes to the model files.

Thanks, and again this is a really useful and cool package!

wwiecek commented 4 years ago

Hi Michael, thanks, glad that someone found it useful!

1/ My plan is actually to skip JAGS and do Stan. WinBUGS is there because Jensen paper uses WinBUGS and that's what HTA submission look for... but the problem is that parameters in the paper where the models come from do not respect various boundaries... In other words, under that model you can have treatment effect which will take you to negative hazard. So I've been planning to write a short methods paper together with a Stan version of the package. With Stan, I could set up boundaries more easily.

Very happy to talk about this further if you're interested, feel free to also reach out directly.

2/ Besides, I'm hoping to release this on CRAN when I have time. That could also be a good PR to collaborate on, various functions are poorly documented.