certbot / certbot-docker

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README should link to relevant Certbot docs #2

Closed bmw closed 4 years ago

bmw commented 5 years ago

There was a bit of confusion on the community forum at https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/is-this-really-an-official-repository/99444 about whether our Docker images are really official images. The only reference to them outside of this separate GitHub org is in https://certbot.eff.org/docs/install.html#running-with-docker which you probably won't see if you just happened to stumble across the images on Docker Hub.

I think one way to help fix this is to link to this section of our docs in the Docker image's README. This has the added benefit of providing more information on how to successfully use these images.

prometheanfire commented 5 years ago

ya, for the dns docks, I don't know what environment variables to pass for the key, domain, etc. The lack of docs for the images makes them not that useful.

DavidGoodwin commented 4 years ago

ya, for the dns docks, I don't know what environment variables to pass for the key, domain, etc. The lack of docs for the images makes them not that useful.

For me, .... change the various example.com bits in the below as appropriate :


docker run --rm -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
    -v $(pwd)/certs:/etc/letsencrypt/ \
    certbot/dns-route53 certonly \
    --agree-tos \
    --email=test@example.com \
    --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory \
    --dns-route53 \
    --dns-route53-propagation-seconds 30 \
    --preferred-challenges dns \
    --non-interactive \
    -d *.blah.example.com -d blah.example.com
bmw commented 4 years ago

I just added a link to https://certbot.eff.org/docs/install.html#running-with-docker to all our READMEs.