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Provide pointer to acme-dns solutions #188

Open jsoref opened 7 years ago

jsoref commented 7 years ago

I have some servers that aren't really web servers, and I'd like to be able to use the acme-dns challenge system to get certificates for them.

But, I can't find an easy path from the website to how to do dns.

@SwartzCr pointed me to https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated/wiki/Examples-for-DNS-01-hooks on irc, and it has the answer for my case (I use pdns), but it'd be helpful if there was a good link to that from the certbot website/documentation.

jsoref commented 7 years ago

https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#third-party-plugins is one place that definitely should point to it...

bmw commented 7 years ago

For what it's worth, those hooks are for a different ACME client that has no relationship to Certbot, however, they can certainly be used as a starting point for writing a Certbot DNS hook.

SwartzCr commented 7 years ago

so these should definitely be on the Let's Encrypt community forums somewhere (ping @schoen @cpu ) And I think we should think about how to use them to update the scripts that were added to the documentation when we introduced manual auth hooks

cpu commented 7 years ago

@SwartzCr I'm happy to pin a thread if someone writes one in an appropriate spot on the forum. I'm not sure where that would be. I've never used Dehydrated to write it myself.