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Add explicit instructions for Raspbian #404

Open bmw opened 5 years ago

bmw commented 5 years ago

Certbot has a large number of Raspbian users. The numbers I have handy from about a year ago is there were ~40k Raspbian users and I think that number has certainly grown.

Despite this, I don't think our instructions for Raspbian are great. In all/most cases, they can and should use our Debian instructions, but I'm not sure they are aware of that. I think we should either change the names of the options in the dropdown menus to "Debian/Raspbian ..." or create separate instructions for Raspbian. I personally prefer the former which can be done by modifying https://github.com/certbot/website/blob/master/_data/inputs.json.

Our Debian instructions should work in most cases, however, I'm not sure if the Stretch instructions work. Unfortuately, I don't have a Raspberry Pi handy to test on so I'd appreciate some help here.

First, I've seen some people say that you cannot always safely add Debian packages to Raspbian. See https://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianFAQ#Can_I_mix_packages_from_the_Debian_repositories_with_Raspbian.3F for one example. We should verify that installing Certbot from Debian's stretch-backports repo doesn't break anything.

Second, you may need to configure Debian's PGP keys with apt before you can use the packages from stretch-backports. If this is the case, we should add a separate dropdown for Raspbian Stretch and explain how to do this.

adferrand commented 5 years ago

I have an Odroid XU4 with Raspbian equivalent. I will test the instructions correctness.