certsocietegenerale / fame

FAME Automates Malware Evaluation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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API Enhancements #95

Open schrodyn opened 2 years ago

schrodyn commented 2 years ago


I would like to suggest some improvements to /analyses/ and /files/ API endpoints. Is it possible to provide features to request all analyses/files since a date? Or perhaps all analyses/files since last oid?


Alternatives would be an EPOCH timestamp as the parameter value.

Currently there is no way to request incremental lists of analyses or files since the last time you made a request. FAME forces the user to continually request each endpoint until they reach their own last known analysis/file.

Example use cases are where other systems are pulling data from FAME. It would be simpler if those systems could request the list of results, for example, every 5 minutes - rather than having to keep requesting an unknown number of pages until the last known OID is encountered.

Thanks for your work on FAME, useful framework but experiencing some irritations with the API that should hopefully be easy to solve.

gaelmuller commented 2 years ago

This could be done but the number of pages would still be unknown since we have to paginate these endpoints.

I'll add the feature request tag so that we keep track of this request.