cervinakuy / KitPvP

An all-in-one battle plugin built using customizable kits and features.
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Teleportation after death does not work when 0 seconds before teleportation #237

Closed Spinogl closed 5 months ago

Spinogl commented 5 months ago

Description of the bug When the delay between a player's death and their respawn at the arena reception desk is set to 0, teleportation no longer seems to take place. Look :

    Title: '&c&lDeath!
    Subtitle: '&7Tu vas respawn dans %seconds% secondes.'
    Time: 0 <--- HERE
    Message: '%prefix% &7Reappearance...'
    Pitch: 1
    Enabled: false
  Commands: []
    Player: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7was shot by &b%killer% &7(&c%killer_health%&7).'
    Shot: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7was shot by &b%killer% &7(&c%killer_health%&7).'
    Fall: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died from a fall.'
    Void: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died in a vacuum.
    Fire: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7 died of fire.
    Explosion: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7a explosée.'
    Suicide: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7s''killed himself.'
    Unknown: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7is dead.'
    Enabled: true
  Commands: []

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Screenshot of /kp debug image

cervinakuy commented 5 months ago

If you’re setting the time to 0, I would assume you want to skip the fancy death sequence. Set FancyDeath at the bottom of the config to false.

cervinakuy commented 5 months ago

Assuming resolved, closing.