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four small typos in bestiary hit point bonuses #295

Open craig-sanders opened 7 years ago

craig-sanders commented 7 years ago

All of the following except for Thurl Merosska have the correct HP bonuses in the source books but typos in DnDAppFiles. I found them by writing a tiny script to scan the Bestiary Compendium and print out creature details where the HP bonus was not equal to _Hit_Dice * CONBonus, then looked them up in the source books.

  1. Cloud Giant Smiling One, Volo's Guide p. 146. HP is listed as "262 (21d12+128)", should be +126 (CON bonus of +6 times 21 Hit Dice)

  2. Dragon Turtle, MM p.119. HP is "341 (22d20+10)", should be +110 (CON bonus of +5 times 22 Hit Dice)

  3. Thurl Merosska, from Princes of the Apocalypse, p 146. There are 2 problems here.

    The first is that DnDAppFiles says he's from Tyranny of Dragons instead of PotA.

    The second is that HP is listed as "71 (11d8+21)" but should be +22 (CON bonus of +2 times 11 Hit Dice).

    That seems to be a typo on PotA p.146, copied accurately - the HP total of 71 is correctly calculated as if the bonus were +22: average of 11d8 is 49, +22 = 71.

  4. Ulitharid, Volo's Guide p. 175. HP is listed as "127 (17d10+14)", should be +34 (CON bonus of +2 times 17 Hit Dice).