cesa-vit / Hacktoberfest-2023

Hactoberfest - 2023
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Scroll bar appears when the logo or image is hovered. #5

Closed cesa-vit closed 1 year ago

cesa-vit commented 1 year ago

Scroll bar appears when the logo or image is hovered. The name of the logo or image is archcraft, the image has no name but it's placed under a " div " named photo. Do whatever is needed to REMOVE the scroll bar which appears when the image or logo is hovered but hovering effect SHOULD be RETAINED. The " div " which contains the logo or image may have been centered using naive approach, if you can then use more professional or feasible approach to center this div.

pkd019 commented 1 year ago

I want to work on it.

Ahnaf-codes commented 1 year ago

@cesa-vit I can help you with this issue. So please assign me