When trying to authenticate against a mongodb 5.0.1 database I get the error code:
main.go:64] Failed to create auth server: server returned error on SASL authentication step: BSON field 'saslContinue.mechanism' is an unknown field.
With same settings no problem with mongodb 4.
# Essentially all options are described here: https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/mgo.v2#DialInfo
# The MongoDB hostnames or IPs to connect to.
addrs: ["mongodbroutersvc.db.svc.cluster.local:27017"]
# The time to wait for a server to respond when first connecting and on
# follow up operations in the session. If timeout is zero, the call may
# block forever waiting for a connection to be established.
# (See https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration for a format description.)
timeout: "10s"
# Database name that will be used on the MongoDB server.
database: "auth"
# The username with which to connect to the MongoDB server.
username: "docker"
# Path to the text file with the password in it.
password_file: "/passwd/mongodbdockerregpassword"
# Enable TLS connection to MongoDB (only enable this if your server supports it)
enable_tls: false
# Name of the collection in which ACLs will be stored in MongoDB.
collection: "docker"
# Unlike acl_mongo we don't cache the full user set. We just query mongo for
# an exact match for each authorization
When trying to authenticate against a mongodb 5.0.1 database I get the error code:
With same settings no problem with mongodb 4.