cesanta / mDash

Arduino / ESP-IDF library for mdash.net IoT service
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Core 1 arduino task hangs after calling any mDash function #21

Open younesmaia opened 1 year ago

younesmaia commented 1 year ago

While running mDash 1.2.16 on Platformio ESP32 core 6.3.1 (latest), mDash works perfectly until you call mDashShadowUpdate or mDashNotify (with valid args). If you do that, the Arduino main task on core 1 will hang completely. Interestingly, no error is thrown.

I'm also using a LAN8720 PHY using the built-in Arduino Library (ETH), according to the example here: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/libraries/Ethernet/examples/ETH_LAN8720/ETH_LAN8720.ino

What is more interesting is that firmware updates, FS, RPC and even the spontaneous shadow update that happen when the device becomes online are all working normally. The issue only presents itself when the functions noted above are called.

Even if the Arduino task hangs, mDash continues to run normally (you can control the device from the dashboard).

Thermelgy-Repo commented 10 months ago

I have solve the issue, Plz check the PR. https://github.com/cesanta/mDash/pull/24