cesanta / mongoose-os

Mongoose OS - an IoT Firmware Development Framework. Supported microcontrollers: ESP32, ESP8266, CC3220, CC3200, STM32F4, STM32L4, STM32F7. Amazon AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure, Google IoT Core integrated. Code in C or JavaScript.
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Fix closing brace skips after a builtin conversion #575

Closed QRPp closed 3 years ago

QRPp commented 3 years ago

Apply commit 6b14d7aa102aa3190362f2209d38c054eed85c46 from https://github.com/cesanta/frozen, really.

Wasted a few hours chasing this already fixed bug anew, since https://mongoose-os.com/docs/mongoose-os/api/core/frozen.h.md points at the fixed source elsewhere rather than this mismaintained copy: what's the need for it? Can't src/frozen be, e.g., a Git module-based Mongoose OS library?

rojer commented 3 years ago

sorry, this duplication of frozen code in mos is a problem. it should totally be moved out into a library, or made a module of the core library.

rojer commented 3 years ago

initially cesanta/mongoose-os was published from an internal repo, along with frozen and all the rest. frozen code was thus copied from the same master copy automatically and kept in sync that way. this publishing no longer happens, cesanta/mongoose-os is a fully independent repo and so for the time being frozen needs to be updated manually. as mentioned above, it should be made a module instead.

QRPp commented 3 years ago

Thanks. No divergent copy is top choice here, props for logging an issue. The inferior choice of having the doc point to the divergent copy of the source code would at least help specifically my problem (eye-debugging the fixed code). However that'd be counter-productive if the proper fix goes ahead.