cesaraustralia / Dispersal.jl

Tools for simulating organism dispersal
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precalc_auxtimeindex of GeoArray #73

Closed virgile-baudrot closed 3 years ago

virgile-baudrot commented 3 years ago

I feel like I could solve this one, but I failed...

 no method matching precalc_auxtimeindex(::GeoArray...
Closest candidates are:
  precalc_auxtimeindex(::AbstractArray{var"#s18",3} where var"#s18", ::Rule, ::DynamicGrids.SimData) at C:\Users\virgi\.julia\packages\Dispersal\592tM\src\utils.jl:18
  precalc_auxtimeindex(::AbstractArray{var"#s16",3} where var"#s16", ::Rule, ::DynamicGrids.SimData, ::Any) at C:\Users\virgi\.julia\packages\Dispersal\592tM\src\utils.jl:18    
  precalc_auxtimeindex(::AbstractArray{T,2} where T, 

Well, I did simulation by recovering reshaping Arrays includes in GeoArray.data... but i'm sure you have it

rafaqz commented 3 years ago

What are you trying to do exactly?

precalc_auxtimeindex is going away soon, this is all done automatically by DynamicGrids now. You just pass in the GeoArray/DimArray and it finds the righ timet index to match the current frame of the simulation - you can just index like its 2d with get(data, Aux(:somekey), I).

Hope to get it merged and pushed some time soon.

virgile-baudrot commented 3 years ago

It was when using a rule. I have to clean and update all that.