cesardeazevedo / react-native-nested-scroll-view

react-native wrapper for android NestedScrollView
MIT License
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Scroll Stuck in Support Library 26 #16

Closed anup1245 closed 6 years ago

anup1245 commented 6 years ago

On fling, the scroll gets stuck to end of the list. Happening on Support Library 26

ddenisen commented 6 years ago

I am seeing the same issue

cesardeazevedo commented 6 years ago

Without any way that i could to reproduce it, i don't know how to help, the library is too generic, i don't know how people are exactly using it.

If there's any project example that i could reproduce it, i might take a look.

ddenisen commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the response; I am going to try to create and share a sample project if I have time.

For the record, here is my config:

In our app, we have a scroll view that is nested inside another, full-screen scroll view. The nested scroll view has at least several pages worth of content. Once I scroll the nested view all the way to the bottom, I have to be very slow when scrolling up; any fling or rapid scroll of the nested view forces it to instantly reposition its content to the very end.

Rolling the support libraries back to 25.4.0 while keeping the rest of the dependencies/config the same fixes the issue.

JaxGit commented 6 years ago

@anup1245 @ddenisen @cesardeazevedo We've just encountered the same issue when one of my colleague updated his phone's firmware version while keeping on Android 8.0.0 yesterday, but it was working fine before that. Also all of my other colleagues on Android 8 don't have this issue.

So the known breaking versions of our case are: Mobel: BLA-L09, Android OS: 8.0.0

Environments: RN 0.51.0 react-native-nested-scroll-view: 6.0.1 compileSdkVersion 24 buildToolsVersion '24.0.0' minSdkVersion 19 targetSdkVersion 24 compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.0.1'

Unexpected behaviour: When momentum scrolling up/down, any ScrollView immediately scrolls to the end, onMomentumScrollBegin/onMomentumScrollEnd immediately fire without any interval.

aforian commented 6 years ago

@JaxGit @ddenisen I saw the same issue too and I get fixed in #14 . in ReactNesetdScrollView.java:

  public void fling(int velocityY) {
    super.fling(velocityY);  //add this line


then run-android again NestedScroll works perfectlly.

itsaju commented 6 years ago

Hi aforian, I am facing the same issue after certain point scrolling upwards is not working properly. By adding super.fling(velocityY); my issue got fixed. Thanks in advance.

Great Library. Helped a lot with nested scroll issue @cesardeazevedo .

cesardeazevedo commented 6 years ago

Thanks so much for all the comments, after i update the library to work with support library 26, i could clearly see the issue. 🎉

This issue has been highly reported (#6, #14, #16), but i wasn't be able to reproduce it since i hadn't used support library 26, so i really apologize.

I will merge #20 and make a new release soon.