cesardv / gameoflife

Conway's Game of Life
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things to work on #6

Closed hectoronevu closed 11 years ago

hectoronevu commented 11 years ago
  1. Is it normal for the population to drop to 3?
  2. Make the table variable sized
  3. Use CSS for the layout and be creative.
  4. The cells can be turned on or off with the mouse.
  5. Increment 23 generations
cesardv commented 11 years ago

@hectoronevu @bapeek11 I think we might need a bigger boat... I agree with these above, will have to setup the onclick event on each cell for no. 4

Once we get the basic funcionality... let's try and see how we fare with a larger, perhaps 20 by 20 grid?

hectoronevu commented 11 years ago

I think it's working basically...?

bapeek11 commented 11 years ago

isnt #2 only for grads? but do we want to try it?

hectoronevu commented 11 years ago

I interpret it is that everyone have to do it only grads have to do it using dhtml? I may have misread it.

cesardv commented 11 years ago

@hectoronevu I think you're right. Grads just have to use DHTML

cesardv commented 11 years ago

BTW we now have a page were we can deploy project code to, for testing non-locally... http://cesardv.github.io/gameoflife The stuff there is whatever is on the special gh-pages branch I've created. When you push this branch the site gets updated.

@hectoronevu I'm going to rename our html file to index.html to that it's easier to get to when we deploy to gh-pages. That way we can just go to http://cesardv.github.io/gameoflife (instead of http://cesardv.github.io/gameoflife/tempGL.html)

See these videos:

cesardv commented 11 years ago

oops sorry that last video link should be http://screenr.com/mBdH

cesardv commented 11 years ago

From the requirements page: Grad-only stuff is:

cesardv commented 11 years ago

Ok guys I think I'm gonna call it a nite... so tired. But hit me up with questions if you have em. I'll be prob working a bit on our js code tomorrow morning. ps- I've invited you on google chat (or talk or whatever it's called now! :smile: ) if ya wanna IM me on my personal gmail address. Thanks guys, ttyl

bapeek11 commented 11 years ago

as of right now I do believe it is a random population. But I don't know if that is something we created or not. I think it is suppose to start out blank and then the person playing the game can click on different cells, then they can run it. Just like an example from a site.

cesardv commented 11 years ago

@bapeek11 Yeah it starts out already randomized. But we call let them clear it or turn cells on/off as they please, so I think we should be ok there if we do that....

hectoronevu commented 11 years ago

In class the professor said it can start out random.

hectoronevu commented 11 years ago

Issues 1 & 2

  1. Yes, Mouse click on dead cells will revive the pop
  2. done

My questions in class are answered by professor:

  1. clicking on a cell will change its next state, overriding the rules? yes
  2. Everyone has to create variable sized table? yes
  3. For increment buttons to work, you have to stop the game first right? yes
  4. Incrementing 23 generations instantly? yes
  5. Game starts with random population? If so, resetting clears or generate random? random, reset makes a random
  6. Generation begins at 1 or 0? 0
cesardv commented 11 years ago

@hectoronevu thanks for posting this.

hectoronevu commented 11 years ago

Issue 3 has been improved, but could use more feedback and you guys can make any changes you think would be better Issue 5 is done

I forgot to mention in my commit but I slowed down the iteration times so the gif background wont be stalled for long as the website is redrawing the the table, if you guys have a different idea or a better less intensive background (I think the professor likes to see animation) that works with the colors and fonts, add them to the branch.

cesardv commented 11 years ago

thanks @hectoronevu I'm looking thru the javascript now... I think I might need to get with you to merge the branches though, if I do it and update master with anything I have, you might get a merge conflict next time you pull. Huan I'd encourage you to try to use the bash shell more, as you're more aware of what's going on with the repo, and that can prevent issues like merge conflicts.

For now I'll spin out a new branch off of master add make improvements there, and then merge back to master.

cesardv commented 11 years ago

closing issue