cesarl / LiveMemTracer

Live memory allocation tracing header only library using ImGui
The Unlicense
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Be able to separate ImGui part from Core part #14

Open vlmillet opened 4 years ago

vlmillet commented 4 years ago

Hi Cesar, It's been a while ! Is it possible to use/decl the core part of your lib in some Dll without imgui and then implement the imgui part in another Dll. (A core engine dll has no reason to depend on imgui)

To sum up, is there a way to split nicely the core from the display part of your LMT ? Thanks.

cesarl commented 4 years ago

Hey, Maybe you can modify the code to divide LMT_IMPL into LMT_CORE_IMPL and LMT_IMGUI_IMPL ? If you want to do so, be my guest 😸 I'm not sure that this repo is up to date, maybe the version in our GameEngineFwk is more recent with some fixes of @jlaumon . I let you verify it