cesium-ml / baselayer

Fully customizable (scientific, compute-intensive) web application template
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Temporarily require sqlalchemy <1.4.0 to make compatible with sqlalchemy-utils #205

Closed acrellin closed 3 years ago

acrellin commented 3 years ago

Open sqlalchemy-utils issue notes incompatibility w/ sqlalchemy versions >=1.4.0. Until they release a fix, we'll avoid the breaking versions explicitly here.

See https://github.com/kvesteri/sqlalchemy-utils/issues/505

RyanPaulMcKenna commented 3 years ago

I amtrying to use "from sqlalchemy_utils import Timestamp". I am using Flask-SQLAlchemy version 2.4.1. please advise which if any version of SQLAlchemy-utils I will be able to use with Flask-SQLAlchemy. Alternatively, does anyone know an alternative means of Timestamping a user class object?

stefanv commented 3 years ago

@RyanPaulMcKenna I'm a bit confused: are you using Flask-SQLAlchemy in combination with baselayer? Baselayer is pretty tightly coupled to Tornado.

According to the Flask-SQLAlchemy source, they require SQLAlchemy >= 1.2, so any 1.2 or 1.3 version should do the trick.