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A Journey in the Dark - An adventure's tale towards OSCP :: Ceso Adventures #3

Open utterances-bot opened 4 years ago

utterances-bot commented 4 years ago

A Journey in the Dark - An adventure's tale towards OSCP :: Ceso Adventures

Preface This is the story of how I got my OSCP coming from a background as Linux Sysadmin/DevOps as also which ones are my plans for the future. Every tale where there is an adventurer, starts with him (the adventurer) and his friends, these who share the journey providing support and advice through it, as the story moves forward, new characters tend to appear, joining the adventurer in his travel.


mquerves2 commented 4 years ago

Hi Ceso!

What a great post!

I saw you as how you started reading a Redhat book without much computer ideas, until today you have been able to pass this exam. I don't have enough words to express how proud I am of you.

You are a great guy, very, very talented and smart, even more than you can think for yourself. Keep rocking my friend, the stars are the limit!

Kudos to you!!!

Seferan commented 4 years ago

Great Write Up!. I wanted to ask about the following:

with PWK/OSCP you pretty much 99% of the time will find a CVE (or just a public POC on exploit-db) for what you are trying to break,

Surely this is an exaggeration, right? You're saying 1 out of 100 boxes are not CVE/Exploit-DB based? Does this include the Buffer Overflow? Was there literally only 1 box in all of the PwK Labs that were not CVE?

ceso commented 4 years ago

@Seferan yes, is kind-of an exaggeration yes/no, of course there are in PWK/OSCP sometimes stuff that is misconfiguration or stuff like that, but the footholds persé, they tend to be most of the cases public exploit/poc.

gru3zi commented 3 years ago

Enjoyed your story! Congrats on the well deserved pass....