cespare / reflex

Run a command when files change
MIT License
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Command not being run in Linux #52

Closed azer closed 6 years ago

azer commented 6 years ago

Reflex is able to watch files for changes but it doesn't run the commands in my Linux computer. Here is the verbose output of a simple ./bin/reflex -v -g '.' echo {} command:

  λ  ./bin/reflex -v  -g '.' echo {}                                                                                                                                         
Globals set at commandline                                                                                                                                                   
| --glob (-g) '[.]' (default: '[]')
| --verbose (-v) 'true' (default: 'false')
Reflex from [commandline]
| ID: 0
| Inverted regex match: "(^|/)\\.git/"
| Inverted regex match: "(^|/)\\.hg/"
| Inverted regex match: "~$"
| Inverted regex match: "\\.swp$"
| Inverted regex match: "\\.#"
| Inverted regex match: "(^|/)#.*#$"
| Inverted regex match: "(^|/)\\.DS_Store$"
| Glob match: "."
| Substitution symbol {}
| Command: [echo <filename>]

[info] fsnotify event: "./Makefile": WRITE 
cespare commented 6 years ago

-g '.' means you're using the glob pattern ., which only matches files named . (i.e. the current directory). Normally with -g you'd use a pattern like *.c or something. If you want to try out reflex with any kind of file then you could use, for instance, -r '.'.

cespare commented 6 years ago

Closing since I don't think there's a problem here. Leave a comment if you disagree.

azer commented 6 years ago

I meant to watch for changes in the current directory though.

cespare commented 6 years ago

Yeah, but that's not how -g works. The glob pattern has to match the file that's changing. If you want to match any regular file in the current directory you could use -g '*'.