Open cessda-bitbucket-importer opened 6 years ago
Original comment by Ashley Fox.
Based on user group feedback, minimum date will be left unchanged. Awaiting further user feedback and will revisit if necessary.
Original comment by John Shepherdson (GitHub: john-shepherdson).
From user feedback:
The range slider allows to search only starting from the year 1950. Fortunately, the user can type to text fields earlier years and find historical data this way. The user should be able to select earlier years with range slider.
I am reopening this issue since we received a request through helpdesk asking about data from the 19th century. Might not have been that intuitive for the user that it is possible to type in a broader date.
Do a query to see the oldest data we have across all records
Set the slider to the date of the oldest record
Original report on BitBucket by Ashley Fox.
Trello card
From user feedback: