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Add series information to the study records in CDC #559

Open MortenSikt opened 1 year ago

MortenSikt commented 1 year ago

Many SPs have long running series of data that often see more use than single-round studies. Information on this is limited in the CDC, some are included through Similar results (see also https://github.com/cessda/cessda.cdc.versions/issues/288). But this does not give a good overview.

The CDC profile does not include the relevant elements for series, but these exist within the EQB profiles. Those relevant would be Title and a URL to an information page on SPs website. If it is possible to use the EQB profiles, following elements could be used:

<pr:Used xpath="/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/serStmt/serName" isRequired="false">
<r:Content>Required: Optional</r:Content>
<r:Content>ElementType: Content element</r:Content>
<r:Content>ElementRepeatable: Yes</r:Content>
<r:Content>Usage: A title or name for the study group.</r:Content>
<r:Content>EQB_ID_Element: 7.3/studyGroupTitle</r:Content>
<r:Content>EQB_UI_Label: Filter/Part of study group/series.</r:Content>
<pr:Used xpath="/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/serStmt/serName/@xml:lang" isRequired="false">
Required: Mandatory if '..serStmt/serName' element is present.
<r:Content>ElementType: Attribute</r:Content>
<r:Content>EQB_ID_Element: 7.3.1/studyGroupTitleLang</r:Content>
<r:Content>EQB_UI_Label: not displayed (internal info).</r:Content>
<pr:Used xpath="/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/serStmt/serInfo/ExtLink" isRequired="false">
<r:Content>Required: Optional</r:Content>
<r:Content>ElementType: Content element</r:Content>
<r:Content>ElementRepeatable: Yes</r:Content>
Usage: A value of a persistent identifier for the study group.
<r:Content>EQB_ID_Element: 7.2/studyGroupID</r:Content>
<r:Content>EQB_UI_Label: not displayed (internal info).</r:Content>
<pr:Used xpath="/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/serStmt/serInfo/ExtLink/@URI" isRequired="false">
Required: Mandatory if ',,serInfo/ExtLink' element is present.
<r:Content>ElementType: Attribute</r:Content>
Usage: An URL or URN (a reference to a web resource that specifies its location) linking to the study group.
<r:Content>EQB_ID_Element: 7.4/studyGroupUrl</r:Content>
<r:Content>EQB_UI_Label: included as hyperlink</r:Content>
MortenSikt commented 1 year ago

AUSSDA study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=3fc5e709f7ac8880679d47323f7c2360b8b1cb6782d17e4e502a8a2c27eb68d9

DDI-C: serStmt/serName & serInfo

CDSP study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=fr&q=229e1f2e2db8895568aadd35d382bcd47b4dc9c2301cd72442b63296309e00c1

DDI-C: serStmt/serName & serInfo

DASSI study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=ab5f7b96a8a00b9bb33aaee034b289f62062d137fc6a2406fba8b1d1f28c9043

DDI-C: serStmt@URI, / serName & serInfo

FSD study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=065d1819bff2962697eab6dd7e21cc8a12e7aaa7b32cb4ec694bef219864a801

DDI-C serStmt@URI, /serName & serInfo

SASD study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=a1136a1830ab656649ae9f4ebcc344e2ca0898fc361300064aee414ab6404a70

DDI-C: serStmt/serName & serInfo

ADP study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=c87599ae997e569e033f30f32387695ba13f02b0ca5e265e494eb8217f032a10

getting errors on oai, but SP site shows information: https://www.adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/opisi/ads002/

SoDaNet study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=30f29e38fccb0afe43cccfdae48493db4e6cece7a9d14f794883ab4b307b87d8

DDI-C serStmt/serName

SODHA study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=ad88e92e363e0225699604083c3acda3ba28d07eb693d6951e3201abf1ca39ee

DDI-C serStmt/serName & serInfo

SND study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=5c82ead1b187a50b43070fdb2526a22dfeb6295ca72655e08803fccfa8e72151

Unable to access oai, but SPs landing page has information but its not present in their own xml export on page

UKDS study from series: https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/detail?lang=en&q=67972e855a332c809ee79b02482273b456eb9642a7dccb2f7a83e77a538f38a5

some series info is located in stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/subTitl & altTitl

MortenSikt commented 1 year ago

From CMM v3 relevant elements are

10.3 - Study Group Name 10.3.1 - Language of Study Group Name 10.4 - Study Group Description 10.4.1 - Language of Study Group Description 10.4.2 - Study Group Description URI

Apart from UKDS and SND, 6 SPs who have series information use 10.3 serName , 5 also use serInfo and 2 use @uri aswell.

This information goes beyond related studies, and if possible should be displayed in the catalogue

KristinaS4 commented 3 months ago

In the User Group (29.05.2024) the following was decided:

Series information will be placed after the study number and before the abstract in the Summary Information section UI labels: serStmt/@URI → Label not needed (this link is attached to name of the series) serStmt/serName (name of the series) → Series serStmt/serInfo (description of the series) → Series

The series description will have a cut-off at 600 characters (with spaces) similar to the cut-off for long abstracts, with a 'Read more' button.