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URIs for metadata profiles #267

Closed cessda-bitbucket-importer closed 2 years ago

cessda-bitbucket-importer commented 3 years ago

Original report on BitBucket by John Shepherdson (GitHub: john-shepherdson).

From:Taina Jääskeläinen (TAU)
Sent:11 November 2020 12:30
To:Shepherdson, John W
Subject:Controlled vocabulary URLs 


the CMM User Guide and the CDC profiles are to be published by early December.

For controlled vocabularies elements, it is mandatory to have an URI in the metadata. It needs to be either a resolvable URN or a URL used in the API.


So basically, I would need information asap on what URNs or URLs are to be entered into the metadata before  the MDO can publish the CMM user guide and the CDC profiles.

As far as I can see, they cannot be DDI Alliance URLs.


There is no CMM planned next year, that’s why we need to have the URL information right this time.


Ad hoc, could not figure out find this information in the swagger.


All the best,


cessda-bitbucket-importer commented 3 years ago

Original comment by John Shepherdson (GitHub: john-shepherdson).

By inspection of the CDC profiles for DDI 1.2.1 and 2.5, the CVs of interest are:

plus ISO 639-1 codes (Source: TBC)

cessda-bitbucket-importer commented 3 years ago

Original comment by John Shepherdson (GitHub: john-shepherdson).

It is possible to retrieve details of individual elements via the API, e.g.

https://vocabularies2-dev.cessda.eu/v2/search-code?agency=DDI Alliance&vocab=AnalysisUnit&lang=en&query=Individual

[which, in production would be [https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/search-code?agency=DDI Alliance&vocab=AnalysisUnit&lang=en&query=Individual ](https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/search-code?agency=DDI Alliance&vocab=AnalysisUnit&lang=en&query=Individual)], but is that what you have in mind?

cessda-bitbucket-importer commented 3 years ago

Original comment by John Shepherdson (GitHub: john-shepherdson).

[{"@‌context":{"skos":"http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#","owl":"http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#","uri":"@‌id","type":"@‌type","onki":"http://schema.onki.fi/onki#","results":{"@‌id":"onki:results","@‌container":"@‌list"},"versionInfo":"skos:versionInfo","notation":"skos:notation","prefLabel":"skos:prefLabel","definition":"skos:definition","@‌language":"en"},"versionInfo":"2.1","results":[{"uri":"http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CV/AnalysisUnit/en/2.0/2.1#Individual","type":["skos:Concept"],"notation":"Individual","prefLabel":"Individual","definition":"Any individual person.","lang":"en","vocab":"AnalysisUnit"}]}]

cessda-bitbucket-importer commented 3 years ago

Original comment by John Shepherdson (GitHub: john-shepherdson).

@schildwaechter Comments please

cessda-bitbucket-importer commented 3 years ago

Original comment by John Shepherdson (GitHub: john-shepherdson).

Swagger docs:  https://vocabularies2-staging.cessda.eu/swagger

See spreadsheet of links for CV elements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oScWz8hK1p0HFMDe4Strn4iTBpXvjcSWmsWDRhpyJjo/edit?usp=sharing

cessda-bitbucket-importer commented 3 years ago

Original comment by Taina Jääskeläinen.

Related to #253 and #256

cessda-bitbucket-importer commented 2 years ago

Original comment by Taina Jääskeläinen.

The first versions of the profiles have been published. They currently do not have optimal URIs as were not available at the time. The issue of workable URIs is settled in other issues so closing this one.