cessen / kobo_jp_dict

A Japanese-English dictionary builder for Kobo e-readers.
Apache License 2.0
31 stars 2 forks source link

Dictionary Won't Compile? #8

Open ian-battaglia opened 1 year ago

ian-battaglia commented 1 year ago

Hey there,

Super cool project, and something I've been looking for! I added the dictionary you compiled, but wanted to make my own as well, and have been having some trouble doing that. In a perfect world, I'd love a dictionary that's JA-JA, and scrolls down to an English definition, but it doesn't seem like that's possible, correct? As such, I was hoping to make a monolingual dictionary, and just swap to an English one if need be.

I downloaded this repo as a zip and unzipped it in my downloads folder. I'm running MacOS 13.2. I've got a bunch of yomichan dictionaries in my downloads folder, as well. I navigated into the kobo_jp_dict-master folder in terminal, and tried to run cargo run kobo_jp_dict -y ../明鏡国語辞典.zip -y ../大辞林第三版.zip dicthtml-ja.zip, as the dictionaries are a folder up, and this seemed to be the correct notation based on the other issue as well as the documentation under --help.

However, running that gives me this error: error: Found argument 'dicthtml-ja.zip' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context

Where did I go wrong? Tried to change the directory the dictionaries were stored in, as well as compiling from only one dictionary instead of two, but same deal.

Additionally, these sorts of frequency dictionaries aren't supported, are they? I like to have some sort of reference on how common a word might be so I can know whether or not it's worth to make a new flashcard for, but it's not a huge deal if not. If I can get this working with the monolingual side though, I'll try and do a JA-EN version with JMDict, KanjiDic, KireiCake, etc.


cessen commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the bug report!

In a perfect world, I'd love a dictionary that's JA-JA, and scrolls down to an English definition, but it doesn't seem like that's possible, correct?

It is possible, and it's actually how I have my (personal) kobo dictionary set up. If you include multiple dictionaries, their entries are merged in the order you list the dictionaries.

The issue you're running into doesn't seem to be related to that. Rather, it seems quite similar to issue #7.

I definitely want to figure out and fix this, but I likely won't have time to start investigating it until some time next month. Sorry about that! But I'll try to get to it as soon as I reasonably can.

Additionally, these sorts of frequency dictionaries aren't supported, are they?

Correct. Frequency dictionaries aren't supported yet. I don't particularly have an interest in adding support myself, but I'd be happy to accept a PR that passes muster. (Not that this is a particularly clean code base anyway, ha ha. So the bar isn't super high.)

ian-battaglia commented 1 year ago

Got it. Well, glad to know the thing I want to do is possible! Would love to get this set up and working whenever you've got a chance to look over this issue, or if you'd be able to compile a dictionary for me, that'd be great.

I figured there was some issue, as the syntax seemed right to me, but it just didn't want to compile a new dictionary.

Let me know whenever you're able to take a look, and thanks again.