cesswairimu / GirlsGetGeeky

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Recommend Ruby or Rails good tutorials #5

Open cesswairimu opened 6 years ago

cesswairimu commented 6 years ago

Leave a comment on good tutorials that have worked for you and maybe say .

Please also leave your twitter username in your comment for applaud

UddeepaWijerathna commented 6 years ago

Tutorialspoint (ruby on rails)

mboya commented 6 years ago

Ruby on Rails Tutorial (Rails 5)

ogudah commented 6 years ago

For Ruby without Rails that is you can check out Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby . Great book when you are just starting out.

champagnepappi commented 6 years ago

Michael Hartl Ruby on rails tutorial happens to be the best resource I'd recommend to anyone getting started: https://www.railstutorial.org/book The explanation of concepts is great. And also every single line of code you'll be writing is explained.

champagnepappi commented 6 years ago

Best practice before getting started with ruby on rails is to first learn Ruby the language. You can start by doing the ruby course on codecademy: https://www.codecademy.com/learn . You'll now find it easier when you learn ruby on rails