cestbones / cestbones.github.io

C'est bones.
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Suggestion: Optimize img tag #2

Open kirillzakharov opened 6 years ago

kirillzakharov commented 6 years ago

Noticed there's an alt tag:

<img alt="Tim" src="tim.jpg">

I'd try something like this:

<img src="tim.jpg">

To save a few more bites I'd also rename the file to t.jpg. Better yet, use Base64.

kirillzakharov commented 6 years ago

I've removed the alt tag, but couldn't rename tim.jpg. Apparently you can't rename images on GitHub? I ain't pulling this repo down.

Magellol commented 6 years ago

@kirillzakharov I'm not sure I agree with the base64 version. We'll have to see if removing an extra HTTP request is better than increasing the size of the HTML size. Could we benchmark it?

kirillzakharov commented 6 years ago

How come @Magellol is an Owner and I'm a Member. Wtf @lukechesser.

screen shot 2018-04-25 at 7 15 08 pm

lukechesser commented 6 years ago

Cause you have stupid suggestions Kirill. See #1. That's the reason why Thomas is considered an owner. He's the reason this project will succeed.

kirillzakharov commented 6 years ago

screen shot 2018-04-25 at 10 21 39 pm

@lukechesser Do you see this? Look at it.

lukechesser commented 6 years ago

And look at how garbage the code is. Also. 8 commits lol. Wtf took 8 commits in this repo haha

naoufal commented 6 years ago

@Magellol @kirillzakharov @lukechesser Took the liberty of benchmarking it.

screen shot 2018-04-25 at 8 23 26 pm Source

We should start by running the image through ImageOptim and then hosting the image on a CDN (upload it to Unsplash so that those suckers can pay bill :smirk:).

That should get you straight A's for the folks visiting the bones from Rose Hill, Mauritius.

kirillzakharov commented 6 years ago

@naoufal Thanks for this. The original image was cloned from http://cesttim.com/

I did a few more tests on GTMetrix:

screen shot 2018-04-25 at 11 41 38 pm Source

No favicon is unacceptable.

Magellol commented 6 years ago

Also the SEO is probably not great. Needs at least more meta tags. I will tag this issue with the appropriate label so the SEO folks can look at it.

lukechesser commented 6 years ago

Did someone say SEO? I'm a pro now.