Exelixi is a distributed framework based on Apache Mesos, mostly implemented in Python using gevent for high-performance concurrency. It is intended to run cluster computing jobs (partitioned batch jobs, which include some messaging) in pure Python. By default, it runs genetic algorithms at scale.
After you replaced datrie with hat_trie, cython became a requirement. One idea is to add the dependency, such as "sudo pip install cython" in "bin/local_install.sh". Another idea is to go back to datrie. Thank you.
Resolved by modifying bin/local_install.sh,
and hopefully soon the installer gets migrated to "conda" to make these dependencies simpler to manage.
Next on my list :)
After you replaced datrie with hat_trie, cython became a requirement. One idea is to add the dependency, such as "sudo pip install cython" in "bin/local_install.sh". Another idea is to go back to datrie. Thank you.