Open sky126 opened 1 month ago
Optimize sample-fn to make the curve smoother
#let sample-fn3(fn, domain, samples, sample-at: ()) = { assert(samples + sample-at.len() >= 2, message: "You must at least sample 2 values") assert(type(domain) == array and domain.len() == 2, message: "Domain must be a tuple") let (lo, hi) = domain let y0 = (fn)(lo) let is-vector = type(y0) == array if not is-vector { y0 = ((lo, y0), ) } else { y0 = (y0, ) } let pts = (lo,) let currentX = lo let lastX = lo let currentY = (fn)(lo) let lastY = (fn)(lo) let i = 0 while i < 1e4 { i = i + 1 if currentX - lastX > 1e-2 or currentY - lastY > 1e-2 { pts.push(currentX) lastX = currentX lastY = currentY } currentX = currentX + 1e-4 * (hi - lo) currentY = (fn)(currentX) } pts.push(hi) return => { if is-vector { (fn)(x) } else { (x, (fn)(x)) } }) }
Thank you!
10k iterations?
We could allow passing a custom sample-fn to plot.add & friends, or set a default one using set-style.
Optimize sample-fn to make the curve smoother